If you feel like you can't even hear yourself think anymore, you're not alone.

Never before in human history have we had so much grasping for our most precious assets-- our time & attention. Every flashy ad, buzz or ding, is distracting us from what is truly essential-- our own thoughts, feelings, & life goals. It's no wonder so many of us feel out of touch with our inner wisdom. 

But here's the great news…the intuition you seek is still inside of you. Through this 4-week workshop series, we will clear through the clutter that is stopping you from seeing & feeling it!

Sale Price: $99.00 Original Price: $129.00

It's time to focus on YOU! Slow down, invest the time to re-connect with who YOU are and learn how to put yourself first. 

Over the 4 weeks, we will focus on slowing down and getting intentional about life. Inner wisdom does not show up when we are over-scheduled or frantic.

In the first week, we will work together on getting in touch with our mind and bodies. 95% of what we do everyday is governed by thoughts we’re not even aware of, by our subconscious programming. This programming is the result of our upbringing, our nervous system wiring, past trauma, genetics and personalities, social conditioning, and much more. Every experience we’ve had in the past informs our brains how to think in order to keep us safe. The brain’s job is to keep the body safe, to avoid pain and seek pleasure and use as little energy as possible. We will dive deeper into this together. 

In the second week, we will work together on harnessing your emotions to turn them into your superpower! Most people generate emotions on auto-pilot. Our brain has decades of practice creating nerve pathways that lead us to blame our circumstances and even other people for how we feel– this will always leave us disappointed. We can’t outsource our own emotions. We will harness this superpower together!

In the third week, we will work together on creating awareness. Have you ever heard of buffering and numbing? If you’re an expert in buffering and numbing, you don’t have practice in feeling your emotions. Why are we so disconnected from our bodies? Because we’re so good at buffering and numbing. We have SO many ways that we disconnect from our bodies—overeating, overworking, oversleeping, too much screen time, etc. are all ways we, sometimes unknowingly, buffer and numb. We will dig into this to conquer this together!

In the final week, we will work together to learn to trust your inner wisdom AKA your intuition! Are you hating yourself? Judging yourself? Celebrating yourself? Do you do honest evaluations of your life without beating yourself up? Do you give yourself the benefit of the doubt? Are you honest with yourself about what you know needs changing without making it mean you’re a horrible person? We will answer these questions and more as we work this final week together, to give you the plan you need to move forward, trusting and believing in yourself!

Let me help you lift the veil of everything that's been in the way